Corneal Ulcer
Learn about corneal ulcers, symptoms, and treatment options from Chester County Eye Care, your top eye doctor specialist in Chester County. Contact us today!


Corneal Ulcer
A corneal ulcer is an open defect on the cornea. Most often, a corneal ulcer is caused by an eye infection, including bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. They can also be caused by severe dry eye, eye injuries, and eyelid disorders such as Bell’s palsy – a condition that prevents the eyelid from closing to protect the eye. Contact lens wearers are also more likely to get corneal ulcers.
Symptoms of corneal ulcers can include:
- Severe pain
- Red eyes
- Blurry vision
- Light sensitivity
- Discharge from the eye
- White spot on cornea
Since corneal ulcers are often caused by infections, they are usually treated with eye drops. Depending on the type of infection, antibiotic, antifungal, or antiviral eye drops may be used. Corneal ulcers are serious infections and require an immediate visit to an eye care specialist for treatment.
If you would like to learn more about corneal ulcers, or if you are interested in scheduling an appointment with our corneal specialists, please call us at (610) 696-1230 today.
Related Reading
Want to continue reading about Cornea? Contact Chester County Eye Care today if there is anything we can do to help you on your eye care journey.
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